Friday, January 14, 2011



5 6 7

 Picture 1: Is a flower fairy. She loves pink flowers and or
any kind of flower. She help flowers grow is her talent

Picture 2: Is a picture of a water fairy. She loves to swim
She loves creeks. She helps water stay pure

Picture 3: Is a dead flower fairy. She loves finding dead flowers esspecially dead roses. She kills flowers as her talent.

Picture 4: Is a moonlight fairy. She loves helping the moon light up. She light up the moon and changes its shape.

Picture 5: Is a water fairy. She loves trying to kill water as an make it dirty.She tries to make it dirty is her talent.

Picture 6: Is another moonlight fairy she tries to make the moon disapear. She loves makeing a new moon. Her talent is making new moons.

Picture 7: Is a mood fairy! She loves making moods to everyone! Her talent is making mood rings, necklaces and Mood itself!